A friendly massage done for the gay men who visit Bucharest !
Home or hotel visits only.
Bucharest Center and Otopeni Airport area. 80 EURO (400 RON)- 1 hour or 400 EURO (2000 RON ) - overnight staying (9 PM-5 AM)
3 hours prior notice
My name is Andrei ! I am in my middle 30s,not too skinny, not too muscular. I am the perfect mix of masculine and gentle, with a natural charm. I am versatile, so I can please everyone who desires me. If you're lucky enough to spend time with me, you'll quickly see why I am among the best man in Bucharest's gay community.
Name: Andrei
Age: 36
Height:178 cm
Weight: 86 kg
Medicals: negative (December 2024)
As an experienced masseur, I propose a naturist massages (both participants are naked), inspired by the frequent requests of the gay or bisexual men I've met.
A few words describing my massage practices are: naked, body to body, mutual touches, and freedom to choose the next steps.
I start with the massage and afterward, we may slip into the sexual dimension of our meeting. Everything agreed upon is possible.
Bucharest gay massage - does it really work ?
Every gay man knows how difficult it can be to find your type of man in Bucharest, let alone getting laid. Gay massage in Bucharest? Can it really exist? If you’re thinking about trying it out you need to read this guide to gay massage in Bucharest, Romania!
You’re in the right place if you’re looking to meet someone to censored in Bucharest, whether you’re gay or straight! There are tons of great saunas and gay bars in Bucharest where you can hook up with someone and find censored on the town. The best part about Bucharest hookups is that everyone there has their eyes on the prize—that goal of getting laid—so everyone you’ll run into will be on the prowl, too! Here’s how to make sure your Bucharest trip is one where you get some action!
Gay saunas have been popular in Bucharest since the 80s, when homosexuality was still illegal in Romania and gay men had to keep their activities secret. These days, there are plenty of men to meet at the gay saunas in Bucharest, with some establishments catering to different kinds of men depending on their tastes, including bears, cubs, daddy types and more. Read on to learn more about Bucharest’s gay saunas and gay bars and how you can meet someone to censored tonight.
You’re in the right place if you’re looking to meet someone to censored in Bucharest, whether you’re gay or straight! There are tons of great saunas and gay bars in Bucharest where you can hook up with someone and find censored on the town. The best part about Bucharest hookups is that everyone there has their eyes on the prize—that goal of getting laid—so everyone you’ll run into will be on the prowl, too! Here’s how to make sure your Bucharest trip is one where you get some action!
The gay sauna in Bucharest is the perfect place to meet someone to censored, and there are plenty of good spots on the internet where you can find what you're looking for if you live in Bucharest.
You’re in the right place if you’re looking to meet someone to censored in Bucharest, whether you’re gay or straight! The best part about Bucharest hookups is that everyone there has their eyes on the prize, that goal of getting laid, so everyone you’ll run into will be on the prowl.
Gay hook-ups have been popular in Bucharest since the 80s, when homocensoreduality was still illegal in Romania and gay men had to keep their activities secret. These days, there are lot of men to meet on the internet,depending on their tastes: bears, cubs, daddy types and more.
The capital of Romania, Bucharest, has a vibrant gay scene with men and boys who are eager to have censored with you - if you know where to look!
Now that you’ve arrived in Bucharest, the big question on your mind might be where to meet someone to censored? Lucky for you, there are plenty of options. WatsApp me you if you need to know how to find men to have censored with while in Bucharest.
Gay-Dating in Bukarest kann aufgrund der Vergänglichkeit des Ex-Pat-Lebens schwierig sein, aber mit der Verbreitung der Smartphone-Technologie ist es immer einfacher geworden, eine Gay-Massage in der Stadt, in der Sie leben, zu buchen
rencontres gay à Bucarest peuvent être difficiles en raison de la nature transitoire de la vie d'expatrié, mais avec la prévalence de la technologie des smartphones, il est devenu de plus en plus facile de réserver un massage gay dans la ville où vous vivez.
Gay dating in Bucharest can be difficult due to the transient nature of ex-pat life, but with the prevalence of smartphone technology, it has become increasingly easier to book a gay massage in the city you’re living in
A Gay Date with No Strings Attached in Bucharest
It’s not easy to find a gay date with no strings attached in Bucharest, but it’s not impossible either! For this reason, I decided to create this guide on how to find and meet a hot muscle gay guy that offers no strings attached censored in Bucharest, which will help you find the most popular meeting places and hook up apps that help you meet the type of person you are looking for. Welcome to the true Gay Bucharest experience!
Es ist nicht einfach, in Bukarest ein unverbindliches schwules Date zu finden, aber es ist auch nicht unmöglich! Aus diesem Grund erstelle ich einen Leitfaden, wie man einen heißen Muskelschwulen findet und trifft, der unverbindliche censored Beziehungen in Bukarest anbietet. Willkommen zum wahren Gay Bukarest-Erlebnis!
Ce n'est pas facile de trouver un rendez-vous gay sans conditions à Bucarest, mais ce n'est pas impossible non plus ! Pour cette raison, j'ai créé un guide sur la façon de trouver et de rencontrer un mec gay musclé qui propose des relations censored sans conditions à Bucarest. Bienvenue dans la véritable expérience Gay Bucarest!
That’s one of the most commonly asked questions about the competition, with fans eager to know who their favorite contestants are, especially if they’re European. Fortunately, Eurovision has made it easier than ever to discover who your favorites are and whether or not they’re gay or bisexual.While the majority of Eurovision winners have traditionally been heterosexual, there have been a number of artists who identified as gay or bisexual throughout the years. Let’s take a look at some of the most notable, shall we?
Vous recevrez un massage + baise. Visite à votre domicile ou à votre hôtel uniquement. Faites-vous plaisir sans gaspiller d'argent en transport. Pas de questions, commentaires, curiosités, intimité totale. Aucun voisin curieux ne le saura. Permet d'essayer deux sports à la fois. Payez une fois pour tout.
Casual sex can mean different things to different people, but when it comes to gay Bucharest men, it generally means an uncommitted relationship based on sexual activity and physical attraction alone. Casual sex isn’t necessarily bad or wrong, but there are some definite pros and cons you should consider before taking the plunge into such an arrangement.
While most gay men know about the age-old mantra of no glove, no love, some men can’t seem to find true love even after engaging in sex with multiple partners. During my recent trip to Bucharest, I had the opportunity to sit down with 10 self-identified gay men who had each slept with 20 or more people and asked them what the secret was to finding the one within such an excess of casual sex partners
Gay men in Bucharest discuss the popularity of casual sex in the city and their reasons for practicing it. One man, who practices casual sex, says that it makes him feel completely liberated because it relieves him of the responsibility of finding someone to be in a committed relationship with.
Thinking about booking an all-inclusive summer holiday at one of the gay resorts in Mamaia, Romania? You’re not alone. If your idea of a great holiday includes plenty of sunshine, cocktails and partying with like-minded people, you won't find what you’re looking for here.
The gay hotel in Romania offers great opportunities for fun and relaxation with people from all over the world, and it’s far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. If you’re traveling to a gay hotel in Mamaia, Romania here are 5 reasons you should put sex on your list.
What underwear do you think these shirtless football players wear?
Do you wonder what underwear some of the hottest, shirtless football players from team FCSB wear? Well, if they’re gay, I can tell you they wear Boxers! Just kidding! Although, it probably doesn’t matter to them since they’re all so cute! I don’t know what these guys are wearing under their shorts or soccer uniforms, but I bet most of them are wearing briefs. It would be nice to see that though. Boxers or Briefs? You decide!
Boxer Briefs
Briefs are comfortable and fit every outfit. The penis is discrete when hard-on. They also hide package bulges well, unlike boxers. What can I say, they’re discreet and sensual. It’s no wonder that most gay men prefer to wear briefs instead of boxers. Even though briefs are highly appreciated among gay men, they don’t look good on everyone (just like with women). The bottom line is if your butt is big and it hangs over your underwear – you need some new underwear that fits correctly or a different style. If your butt looks too big in briefs, maybe try boxers next time or take a better look at yourself in a mirror because no one likes saggy butts!
My Opinion
I'm amazed when I see studs wearing black boxers. Sometimes are sperm stained and that's not pretty. While we assume they must be briefs, in some cases they're probably boxers, which I don't like at all. Only women should wear them. To test my theory, I searched for male models to show you what underwear they're wearing. You'll be shocked when see what a boxer-only man wears. On one model it looks like a pair of bright yellow panties are his underwear! That's disgusting! If he does have an accident then his pants will be covered in piss and people will know about it as well!
Final Thoughts
The new bamboo collection by Cristiano Ronaldo offers just boxers. I expect it to offer briefs. Boxers for Cristiano. Boxers for Real Madrid’s soccer team. Now, let's talk about which one of these Football Players prefers wearing boxers or briefs. This will be a great discussion. Since most men don't want to discuss their underwear choices with other men or women they know, they usually prefer going on a platform like Facebook and asking others what they wear! A lot of times, people are open to talking about their personal preferences because no one really knows who is behind that screen name (and if someone does figure out who you are then they might not care). Another reason why people feel comfortable sharing is because no one expects them to actually take off their pants and show what brand they're wearing! Also, some brands are known for being more popular with certain age groups or sexual orientations so your friends can tell whether you're telling them an honest answer from what's available in your closet.
Is there anything better than an easy-to-hold hydropenis pump?
I can't wait for mine to show up and make my johnson jaw-droppingly huge
So yesterday my friend was telling me about his new hydro penis pump and I'm wondering if he's using water pressure to develop his skills?
Imma need a giant hydro penis pump for when I catch all those big-ass fish
This year the
Gay Pride in Bucharest
will be welcomed with the main gay bar permanently closed and another 2 venues declared by themselves as being gay only venues when in fact they are some cheap common ..... I don't even know how to name them.
If you search on Google for something related to the gay aspect of Bucharest the shown results reveal a gay bar a gay cruising bar a gay sauna and some clubs.
The gay bar was central located now is closed
The gay cruising bar is located outside of the town's center. In the case of this venue what's funny is the services this gay cruising bar is offering. There are about 3 or 4 tables in a courtyard but there is no cruising area because the discretion the main characteristic of a cruising area is missing. Then the working hour, a daily program from noon to 6 o'clock in the afternoon.
The so-called gay sauna is located outside of the town's center. During the week, most of the time is empty there are no visitors. During the weekends you may find tourists who were trapped right there by misleading information, some boys whom you may usually find them cruising in public toilets or behind the public parc bushes, and some very aggressive ( verbally) old men. This gay sauna offers an average service. Only three showers, non-functioning jacuzzis, no pool... Sometimes they provide bath slippers that smell very bad. The main sauna room is a little bit cold. The dungeon is cold too and smells like mold.
The clubs. All clubs in Bucharest that have shown themselves as being gay clubs or gay-friendly clubs have almost the same problems: they are overpriced; there is nothing gay in the atmosphere they provide, and the staff is quite rude, with lots of sugar daddy hunters.
I provide service to the gay community in Bucharest. If you want to meet me, see the about section of this profile and click on the link to my website or more simply start a chat with me on WhatsApp. Do not text me for asking photos of me. You won't get them.
For centuries, people have been using cock rings to improve their sexual performance. A cock ring can enhance sexual pleasure and provide stronger erections and better orgasms, so they’re popular among both gay and straight couples. Many men wear them during solo masturbation sessions as well, as they’re capable of extending the time before orgasm occurs by restricting blood flow to the penis.
What is a cock ring?
A cock ring is a ring that's worn around the penis to help restrict the flow of blood from the penis and produce a stronger erection or to maintain an erection for a longer period of time. Sex toys are sometimes used by both men and women to delay orgasm. Cock rings can be made out of numerous materials, including silicone, TPE/TPR, metals such as steel or stainless steel, rubber (sometimes inaccurately referred to as latex), nylon cord, leather, or fabric. It's also possible for them to be purely aesthetic in nature when they are not designed for genital use.
Types of cock rings
Sex toy rings are also available for some of the most popular penis plugs, with a ring to prevent the plug from coming out. Sex toy rings can be used in any sex act where an erection is desired, but they are most commonly associated with BDSM play. These include a clitoral stimulator, designed to tickle the clitoris, vulva, or anus during sex. It is mainly used to delay male orgasm during penetration or masturbation and therefore prolong the sexual experience. They may also be used by men with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation problems in order to have sexual intercourse or oral sex.
How to use a penis ring
To use a penis ring, simply stretch the material over the shaft of the penis and then squeeze to bring it against the body. Alternatively, place it behind the scrotum and under the shaft; or, for extra pleasure for both partners during intercourse, try putting one at each of your partner’s testicles. No matter how you use cock rings, be sure that they are not too tight to cut off circulation.
Benefits of using one
Using a cock ring is one of many different sexual aids that can be used to enhance sex or masturbation. The use of a cock ring during masturbation or sex helps prolong your erection and delay ejaculation, providing additional time to increase arousal before orgasm. In addition, using a cock ring is one of many different techniques that men can use to improve their appearance through penis enlargement.
Safety precautions
Cock rings should not be worn for more than about 30 minutes at a time, because they can cause serious injury to your penis if left on for extended periods of time. The penis may become trapped in a state of constant erection, which could cause permanent damage. If you are concerned about maintaining an erection for longer than that, there are other options available to you that are safer than cock rings.
Main concerns about penis rings
Wearing a penis ring too often or for too long can cause an array of medical complications. It's best to check with your doctor before wearing a cock ring for the first time, just to make sure you know what you're doing. Even though most men report few adverse effects, there are cases of men who have suffered neurological troubles and even permanent erectile dysfunction after being too aggressive with their cock rings. Learn how to get around these problems here!After work, many
Gay men in Bucharest
want nothing more than to relax and forget about the stresses of the day. Of course, in such an exciting city, your mind can be focused on far more exciting things than relaxing! Luckily, there’s a gay massage service that offers up to 1 hour of erotic relaxation to gay men all over Bucharest, no matter where they may be located or what time it may be.
Massage can be an excellent way to relax after a long day, but some people might find that what they really need is something a bit more sensual and sexual than the average relaxing massage provides. If you’re in Bucharest and looking for the perfect gay massage that will ease your stress, bring back your energy, and boost your libido, consider get in touch with me
Building off the success of the erotic massage service I launched in Cluj-Napoca, I’m happy to be expanding my business into Bucharest and offering the same great service to all of the gay men in the city
In Bucharest, there aren't too many gay bars and saunas for men who are looking for erotic massage, cruising, and other fun with an attractive man. For an erotic massage and fun with another man in his briefs, boxers, or naked you may ask for a visit to your hotel. Alternatively, you can cruise around on your responsibility in the public parks & toilets
A gay massage is a wonderful way to enjoy some unrushed time with a man. I've created a service that brings you and a gay man together for an hour of erotic massage. There are many benefits to gay massage, including not feeling rushed, and being able to visit your hotel. It's also a great opportunity for men who love giving massages as well as those who want them!
Gay Massage Bucharest offers an erotic massage. You can book with the masseur by contacting him via WhatsApp.
1. Visit the Gay Massage website for more information.
2. Call the masseur by WhatsApp and tell him what you want from an appointment
If you’re not familiar with the term
, don’t feel bad—the word didn’t even exist until the 1980s! However, now that it has, there are lots of them popping up all over the place, and they make it easy to find hot spots with lots of other single guys looking to hook up. Most cities have their own gayborhood where you can easily spot cruising hot spots to hit up if you’re feeling adventurous and you have time to spare during your visit. Here are the best of them in North America.
It can be difficult to find the hottest gay cruising spots in major cities – especially if you don’t know where to look or how to act around other men. That’s why we’ve decided to write this article on gayborhoods, or neighborhoods where there are lots of gay bars, clubs, and other hot spots that are well-known as good places to pick up men. We’ll talk about what they are, where they are, and what it takes to have fun there in order to help you figure out which one is right for you!
One of the main characteristics of gay men is that most of them love being cuddled and touched. Being touched and cuddled in return is extremely important to them, so it’s no wonder that many have found themselves turning to the gayborhoods (or gay areas) of their cities as ideal places to go out and have fun with other men who love the same things they do when it comes to relationships. Gay neighborhoods are great places to practice your flirting skills, because you’ll find lots of other guys who like being touched and cuddled as much as you do!
Cruising through bushes, public toilets, or a dark room of the gay bar can be fun. But if you're not careful and you practice unsafe sex, you can contract a disease. That is why it's safer to cruise in a gayborhood with all the hot spots from bar to club, sauna, and toilet!
It might seem like harmless fun, but cruising in bushes, public bathrooms, or a dark room in a gay bar carries the risk of sexually transmitted disease. This is why it is safer to explore a gayborhood that features the great hot spots such as bars, nightclubs, and bathhouses!
The gayborhood is a quartier gay where you are going to find a gay bar with a dark room, a gay club with a red deem light, and many other gay hot spots. So no use to practice the cruising through bushes or public toilets.
If you're seeking for places for gays to go, there is the gayborhood, which is a neighborhood for homosexuals, with gay bars with dark rooms, gay clubs with red lights, and many other gay hot spots. So don't waste time looking in bushes or public toilets.
The benefits of a gayborhood are that there are many gay-friendly businesses in the area and that it is a safe space to cruise if you don't want to do it in public. You can cruise by going to the sauna, club or even public toilets.
There are many gayborhoods in the world, but the best ones are generally found in big cities. These neighborhoods have gay bars with dark rooms, gay clubs with red lighted dance floors, and saunas where you can expect to find guys looking to hook up.
Now that you know the basics of cruising and have a sense of where to go, it's time to get out there and find your perfect match!
Bulevardul Nicolae Bălcescu 6, București 030167 Massage for Men +40774932540 A hetero-friendly massage service specially designed from the requests of the local gay community
Do you think in
a gay bar or club from Bucharest
you are going to find something similar to Spain or Paris ? You are wrong !
In a gay bar or ckub, in most of the cases a dark room exists, but not here in Bucharest. In the slang language a dark room is a room where people who like to get it on, can go and play with each other. At one moment, I was sitting at the bar watching two guys b....w each other. Both guys were wearing only their jockstraps. They were pretty good looking but not really my cup of tea. I prefer men with a little meat on them.These guys were skinny. But it's okay that they had a good time. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out to see what was going on. It was Gui, asking me if I was still awake.
Gym club often visited by gay in Bucharest
As I look up from my sweaty push-up bra, I catch Lucian staring at my bulging shorts. I smirk, amused by his curiosity. I wipe the sweat off my brow and stand up, my legs shaking a bit from the intense workout.
“Like what you see?” I ask him, raising an eyebrow.
Lucian blushes, but he doesn’t look away. “I can’t help it,” he says, his voice low and husky. “You’re fucking hot, Andrei.”
I chuckle and walk over to him, standing so close that I can feel the heat radiating off his body. I can see the outline of his dick in his black boxer briefs, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of desire.
“I think you’re pretty fucking hot yourself,” I say, my voice low and seductive.
Lucian swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. I can see the tension in his body, the way his muscles are taut and ready for action. I reach out and place my hand on his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart.
“You want to do something about it?” I ask, my fingers tracing a path down his chest and towards his abs.
Lucian nods, his eyes wide and full of desire. I can see the lust in his gaze, and it only makes me want him more. I take a step back and start to undress, slowly peeling off my wet shirt and tossing it to the side. I can feel Lucian’s eyes on me, watching my every move as I strip down to my black boxer briefs.
“Fuck, Andrei,” Lucian breathes, his eyes glued to my body.
I smirk and take a step towards him, closing the distance between us. I can feel the heat of his body, the way his chest is rising and falling rapidly. I reach out and place my hand on his dick, feeling the hard length of him through his boxer briefs.
“You like that?” I ask, my voice low and seductive.
Lucian nods, his breath hitching in his throat. I can feel the tremble in his body, the way he’s trying to hold back. I tighten my grip on his dick, feeling the length of him grow harder in my hand.
“Fuck, Andrei,” Lucian gasps, his head falling back as I stroke him through his boxer briefs.
I can feel the wetness seeping through the fabric, the way his dick is straining against the material. I can’t help but feel a twinge of desire, the way my own dick is growing hard in my boxer briefs.
“Take them off,” I command, my voice low and seductive.
Lucian nods, his hands trembling as he pushes down his boxer briefs. His dick springs free, hard and ready for action. I can’t help but stare, the way his dick is curved and thick. I can see the veins running along the length of him, the way his dick is pulsing with need.
“You like what you see?” Lucian asks, his voice low and husky.
I nod, my eyes glued to his dick. “Fuck, yeah,” I breathe, my own dick growing harder in my boxer briefs.
Lucian takes a step towards me, his dick brushing against mine through the fabric of our boxer briefs. I can feel the heat of his body, the way his chest is rising and falling rapidly. I can feel the tension in his body, the way he’s trying to hold back.
“Fuck, Andrei,” Lucian gasps, his head falling back as I stroke him through his boxer briefs.
I can feel the wetness seeping through the fabric, the way his dick is straining against the material. I can’t help but feel a twinge of desire, the way my own dick is growing hard in my boxer briefs.
“Take them off,” I command, my voice low and seductive.
Lucian nods, his hands trembling as he pushes down his boxer briefs. His dick springs free, hard and ready for action. I can’t help but stare, the way his dick is curved and thick. I can see the veins running along the length of him, the way his dick is pulsing with need.
I reach out and wrap my hand around his dick, feeling the heat of him against my skin. I can feel the wetness seeping from the tip, the way his dick is throbbing in my hand. I start to stroke him, feeling the length of him grow harder in my hand.
“Fuck, Andrei,” Lucian gasps, his hips bucking as I stroke him.
I can feel the tension in his body, the way he’s trying to hold back. I can see the lust in his gaze, the way his eyes are glazed over with desire. I can feel the heat of his body, the way his chest is rising and falling rapidly.
I lean in and press my lips against his, feeling the heat of his breath against my skin. I can taste the salt on his lips, the way his tongue is probing my mouth. I can feel the tremble in his body, the way he’s trying to hold back
Gay Andrei in Bucharest
Andrei was an enigma even to himself, a man whose gym visits transcended the mere pursuit of physical fitness. His journey to the locker room was layered with a complex tapestry of emotions, desires, and self-discovery.
The locker room was more than a place to change; it was a stage where Andrei's innermost feelings played out in the silent theater of his mind. Every visit was an exploration, not just of his body but of his identity, his desires, and the boundaries of his comfort.
Andrei would arrive at the gym with a regimen in mind, but it was in the locker room where his true workout began. He'd select a locker near the showers, not out of convenience, but out of a subconscious need to be close to the source of his fascination. The sounds of the showers, the steam rising, the casual banter of men unwinding after their exertions - all of it was a symphony that resonated with him on a visceral level.
There was Sergiu, whose tattoos told stories Andrei wished he could hear. Watching Sergiu remove his shirt, revealing the ink that danced with each movement, Andrei felt a stir of admiration mixed with an undeniable physical response. But it was more than mere attraction; it was an appreciation for the art on Sergiu's skin, a longing to understand the narrative behind each line and shadow.
Then there was Valentin, whose laughter was infectious, his body language open and unguarded. When Valentin stepped out of the shower, his hair slicked back, water tracing down his chest, Andrei's gaze would linger. It wasn't just the sight of Valentin's physical form; it was the way he moved, with a natural grace that seemed to challenge Andrei's understanding of beauty.
Andrei's reactions were nuanced, layered. He knew that his excitement was not solely about physicality; it was about the stories, the lives, the human experience encapsulated in those moments of vulnerability. Yet, there was also the thrill of the forbidden, the taboo of looking where one is not supposed to look, wrapped in the cloak of everyday normalcy.
However, Andrei was also acutely aware of the ethical tightrope he walked. He had learned to master the art of the respectful glance, ensuring his admiration never crossed into voyeurism. He would often remind himself, "Look, but do not intrude; appreciate, but do not objectify."
One day, while lost in his thoughts, Andrei was approached by Dragos, a fellow gym-goer known for his insightful comments. "You seem to find peace here," Dragos observed, his tone casual yet probing.
Andrei, caught off-guard, managed a smile. "In a way, yes. It's... complicated."
Dragos nodded, understanding more than he let on. "Complicated can be beautiful, Andrei. Just make sure your peace doesn't disturb others'."
That conversation became a turning point for Andrei. He began to see his visits to the locker room not just as a source of personal excitement but as a moment of silent poetry between human beings, where each person was both artist and art. His excitement was now tempered with a profound respect for personal boundaries and a deeper appreciation for the complexity of human interaction.
Andrei's journey in the locker room became a nuanced dance of self-awareness, where each visit was a lesson in the beauty of restraint, the art of observation, and the quiet celebration of the male form in all its varied expressions.